Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bilaal, Son of Rabah and Hamama

Figure 527
Bilaal, Son of Rabah and Hamama

Page 1626

Abu Sufyan, Husband of Hind

Figure 528
Abu Sufyan, Husband of Hind
Page 1627

Hind, Woman who had Hamza Killed

Figure 529
Hind, Woman who had Hamza Killed

Page 1628

Abu Mu'taalib, Son of Haashim and Salma

Figure 530
Abu Mu'taalib, Son of Haashim and Salma

Page 1629

Salma, Wife of Haashim

Figure 531
Salma, Wife of Haashim

Page 1630

Chapter 19, Tablet 3:28-57

Tablet 3:28       Tablet 3:57


29  Upkeep of the sacred temple passed to the Tribe of Kedar, Ishma'El second son, and then from tribe to tribe until it fell into the hands of the children of Kinana.

30  After the ascension of Ishma'El his son Nabat took charge of the sacred temple. 

31  The sons of Ishma'El and the sons of Nabat were living in Mecca at the time with their grandfather, Mudad, son of Amr and their maternal uncles of Jurhum.

32  They had traveled from Yemen with the Qatura people, their cousins,

33  And each had settled at opposite ends of the town,

34  The clan of Jurhum, who were not the offspring of Ishma'El,

35  Assumed full authority in Mecca and began to abuse their power.

36  Their power weakened and Manaf, son of Kinana, along with Ghushan of Khuza'a drove them out.

37  Khuza'a gained charge of the Kaaba and passed the charge of the temple from son to son to the last of them,

38  Hulayl, son of Salul, son of Ka'b Amr Al Khuza'a.

39  The Quraysh at the time were scattered among the family of Kinana.

40  In the year 420 A.D.,

41  A descendant of Fihr the chief of the Quraysh, by the name of Qusayy Banu Kulab married Hubba, the daughter of Hulayl.

42  When Hulayl died, Qusayy assumed guardianship of the Kaaba over the protest of Khuza'a, whom he eventually drove out of Mecca.

43  Qusayy was the first of Bane Ka'b, son of Lawaiy to assume rulership of Mecca.

44 He united the Quraysh and Kinana and Quda'a, and extended the boundaries in the decade between 450 A.D., willing his position to abdul Dar, his eldest son.

45  The descendants of Abdul dar proved unable to assume full responsibility for execution of the office.

46  In time, the duties of the Kaaba and the house of consultation, and also the right to carry the standard of War.

47  The clan of Abdu Manaf collected taxes and provided food and water for the pilgrims.

48  Haashim, the second son of Abdul Manf and the great grandfather of muhammad assumed the family duties.

49  On one of his business trips, he married Salma, daughter of Amr Banu Qadiyy, son of Al Najjar of Yathrib, Medinah.

50  Salma was of the Najran tribe who were Ansaars of the city of Madinah, the city of the Torah.

51  In the year 497 A.D. she bore him a son and they named him Shayba.

52  Haashim became sick and died in the city of Gaza.

53  His brother Al Muttalib of Haashim's death came to power and assumed the duties of the Kaaba.

54  Al Muttalib went to the city of Madinah to get Shayba and bring him back to Mecca.

55 Shayba was the next heir to the Quraysh tribe, the keepers of the Kaaba, through his father Haashim.

56  When Al Muttalib died the people of Mecca called Shayba, Abdul Muttalib, the slave of Muttalib.

57  Abdul Muttalib inherited the duties.

page 1631

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chapter 19 Tablet 3:57-83


Tablet 3:57        Tablet 3:83

of giving water and food to the pilgrims.
58  It was he who redug the ZamZam well that was very sacred because it is the well of Ishma'El, the son of Abraham.
59  Hagar wandered through the desert carrying her small son, Ishma'el,
60  When she should not find water her child began to cry from thirst and his mother,
61  Helpless to provide for him, she fell on her face and prayed to El Roi, the All Seeing,
62  Who caused water to spring forth from the spot where the ZamZam well is located and is the only one in the Valley of Mecca within the sacred enclosure.
63  Abdul Muttalib had made Tafulat for 10 sons
64  He vowed that if such an event occured, he would sacrifice one of them in the name of El Eloh.
65  Naturally he did not want to sacrifice any of his sons but he had to make good his promise.
66  As he led Abdullat to the sacrifice, the Quraysh who had been in assembly chanced to see them.
67  Upon finding out what Abdul Muttalib meant to do, they loudly protested.
68  They advised him to seek the counsel of a sorceress in the Hijaz region of Arabia,
69  Who told him to offer blood money, that was ten camels among the Quraysh, in the place of his son.
70  She told him to cast lots for the money and Abdullat, and it fell in his favor.
71  Some months later, Abdul Muttalib accompanied Abdullat to the house of Wahb, son of Abdul Hanaf, son of Zubra, son of Kilab, son of Murra, son of Ka'b, son of Lawaiy, son of Ghalib, son of Fihr.
72  To claim Wahb's daughter, Amina as his wife.
73  Her mother was Barra daughter of Abdul Uzza, son of Uthman, son of Abdul Dar, son of Qusayy, son of Kilab, son of Murra, son of Ka'b, son of Luwaiy, son of Ghalib, son of Fihr.
74  This woman knew of the prophecy which told of a prophet that would rise from among the people and born of the seed of Abdullat.
75  The prophet was to come through the tribe of Judah.
76  Judah was the only remaining tribe of the twelve tribes of Israel who was spared namely:
77  Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, Asher.
78  Judah was to protect the seat of prophethood of Isra'El until Shiloh came who was Muhammad,
79  All of the Israelites went astray except a remnant of the tribe of Judah and the Midianites, who fell under the covenant of the Ishmaelites.
80  A scepter would be passed from a descendant of the tribe of Judah by the name of Bilaal,
81  At which time the responsibility for keeping the law passed from the Israelites to the Ishmaelites.
82  Bilaal was born in the year 555 A.D. of the Danakiyl tribe and resided in land of Al Habasha or Abysinia.
83  He was aware that Moses had told the children of Israel that a prophet would be born in Arabia and the scepter

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chapter 19 Tablet 3:83-119

Tablet 3:83-119

would be passed to him.

84  Bilaal's mother was Hamama and his father was Rabah son of Naufal,
85  Who was the son of Asad
86  Who was the son of Abdul Uzza, the keeper of the original Torah, books of Moses.
87  Who was the brother of Abid Manaaf,
88  Whose son was Haashim whose clan was changed to Quraysh,
89  Who was the father of Abdul Muttalib, making Bilaal a relative of Muhammad.
90  Rabah was the possessor of the "Mihjaan", a staff, of the prophets, the same staff that Abraham, Ishma'El, and Moses carried.
91  It was destined for Bilaal to pass the scepter from the tribes of Israel to the tribe of Ishma'El.
92  Bilaal's uncle was Waraqah, who studied the Torah and New Testament until he thoroughly mastered it.
93  Bilaal was from the portion of the tribe of Judah which came to be known as the Danakiyl or Dongolawy, from the original Bija tribes of which the sons and daughters of Yashua belonged.
94  The tribe of Judah became very powerful, highly respected and entrusted with the scepter,
95  The staff of leadership and upholding the law of Moses, including the right of anointment until Muhammad's coming.
96  Bilaal was the cousin of Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin.
97  He became the first mu'adhiyn, caller of the Muslims to worship in Medina to worship after the Hijrah, a flight from Mecca to Medina.
98  In the year 622 A.H.
99 He passed the scepter to Muhammad.
100 The passing of the scepter was symbolic of the passing on of the covenant of prophethood from the Israelites to the Ishmaelites.
101  Bilaal was a Muslim who spread the truth across the sands of Arabia.
102  He heralded the coming of Muhammad, just as John the Baptist heralded the coming of Yashua.
103  Bilaal's union with Muhammad is a landmark in Al Islaam.
104  He was successful in his mission because he had great faith in Allah.
105  Al Islaam was Bilaal's way of life.
106  He was not converted; he was born into the law of Moses,
107  For as a Judahite of royal bloodline,
108  He was raised in Mosaid law,
109  Thus, he was always a Muslim and adhered to Al Islaam.
110  He did not subtract or add to this divine way of life.
111  Bilaal was of the tribe of Judah out of the house of Jacob.

112  It was his job to fulfill the prophecy of his forefather, Jacob.

113  This was Bilaal's mission to pass the scepter of prophethood from the Israelites to Shiloh, who is Muhammad.

114  This fulfillment brought about harmony in Al Islaam.

115  The tribes of Israel and Ishma'El again became united through Bilaal and Muhammad.

116  From birth Bilaal was reared to complete his mission.

117  Bilaal was born with the "light of truth" in his black eyes.

118  The illuminating light his eyes gave off, puzzled everyone, even his parents. 

119 As Bilaal grew, his father realized

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Friday, June 10, 2011

The Mu'adhiyn, Bilaal

Figure 532
The Mu'adhiyn, Bilaal

Rabah, Father of Bilaal

Figure 533
Rabah, Father of Bilaal

Hamama, Mother of Bilaal

Figure 534
Hamama, Mother of Bilaal

Bilaal Receiving The Sceptre From His Father

Figure 535
Bilaal Receiving The Sceptre From His Father

Chapter 19 - Tablet 3:119 - 4:4

Page 1638
Tablet 3:119           Tablet 4:4

he was a special child,
120  And groomed him for the old prophecies and what they meant.

121  His father saw to it that he was well learnt in the laws of the scriptures.
122  Bilaal's father Rabah, was the keeper of the scepter,
123  And also a learnt man.
124  He kept the scepter hidden in a secret place.
125  When Bilaal reached the age of thirteen and had taken his Bar Mitzwah,
126  He assumed religious duty and was considered an adult.
127  After which, Rabah gave Bilaal the scepter destined to be passed on in fulfillment of the prophecy.
128  When Bilaal acted as mu'ahdhin, 'Umar heard him in his house,
129  And came to the Apostle dragging his cloak on the ground,
130  And saying that he had seen precisely the same vision.
131  When Imaam Ali passed away, Bilaal refused to become a follower of the Muawiyah.
132  He decided to settle in Syria, where he became  a governor of Damascus.
133  Bilaal then left to Medina where he had met two grandsons of Muhammad.
134  Together they asked Bilaal to call the Adhaan for the next daylight hour.
135  He could not refuse their request.
136  Before the following daylight hour.
137  Bilaal  ascended the minaret and called the Adhaan.
138  Bilaal would only call the Adhaan for the followers of Amiyru'l Muminiyn Ali.
139  They were the only ones who kept the basic tenets of Al Islaam.
140  Bilaal was now elderly and his close companion aided him up the minaret.
141  Then in the midst of a great silence burst once again the mighty voice of Bilaal chanting the Adhaan as it was called in the days of Muhammad.
142  So sweet was his voice that it touched the people's souls and brought tears to their eyes.
143  Bilaal passed away in the year 641 A.D.
144  He was 90 years old at home in the comfort of his bed.
145  Bilaal remarried when he was in Syria.
146  He had five sons and three daughters.
147  His descendants are the blacks who inhabit Morocco today.
148  His burial place was Aleppo, Damascus.
149  His tomb became one of the principle landmarks for many centuries.
150  After the passing of the scepter to Muhammad,
151  Bilaal, his two wives and their sons migrated to Morocco, where they settled.
152  This is where your black Moroccans descended from.

Tablet Four
The Four Lights

Lo!  And these four lights were:  Gabriy'el Zodoq son of Rasi'El and Zamma'El,
2  Rapha'El Zodoq, son of Waqabi'El and Fiqra'El,
3  Uri'El Zodoq, son of Azari'El and Rafiki'El,
4  And Izraa'El Zodoq son of ANU and Id,

page 1638

Chapter 19, Tablet 4:5-19


AL KHIDR                    MURDUK
Tablet 4:5                    Tablet 4:19

5  These are your aids,
6  Each is one of the branches of the tree;
7  "the Lote-Tree, also called "The Green Tree",
8  May ANU be pleased with them.
9  then my light said:  "glory be to ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL"
10 For another 14,000 years.
11 Then ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL, created the light of all the other newsbearers from the light of Adam or Zakar whose real name is Kadmon,
12  Son of Atum and Lilith and the Light is the life in human beings.
13  Peace and blessings of ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL be upon him.
14  Then the peacock looked at the light which ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL created,
15 and from it he created their rooakh souls, that is,
16  He created the souls of the prophets "newsbearers" from your sweat Adam or Zakar,
17  My friend, peace be upon you.
18  And he is to create the souls of the community of these newsbearers,
19  From the sweat of the newsbearers.

And This Is How The Event Of The Prophets And Angels Should Be Commemorated

Prophets And Angels day

On October thirty first, we will celebrate Prophets And Angels Day.  It is most commonly known as Halloween.  It is a day of positiveness and goodness.  The homes are gaily decorated with pictures of the prophets, Aluhum, apostles, and sacred women of the scriptures.   The shadow hour before, October thirtieth, is called shadow hour of prayer.  After the evening worship, the congregation remains in the House of the Sustainer and say "I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the cursed one", facing the north, south, east and west.  Then all read from the book of light asking the Aluhum to protect them from evil.  The congregation chants Suwrah El Naas chapter of the people, and Suwrah El Falaq, chapter of the breaking forth of the day; nineteen times each.  Then chant the ninety and nine plus one names of El Eloh.  We show forgiveness for the archangel Izraa'El the angel of death known as the Aluhum Anunnagi Enqi, for his job to take our souls to El Eloh.  We are not afraid of him we love as we do all of the angelic beings sent from El Eloh.  Passages of enlightenment from the Book of Light are also read.  On the following day the children are dressed in beautiful colorful costumes depicting prophets, apostles, angelic beings Al Mahdi, Yashua, Ali, and the reformer Dr. Malachi Z. York.  The girls are dressed like the sacred women of the scriptures:  Eve, Naama, Sara, Hagar, Mary and Faatimah.  Costumes depicting great ment and women of Egypt, Nubia such as the wise Imhotep, Ankh Aton, Nefertiti and Celopatra are also worn.  The costumes have colorful crowns, swords, jewelry, beads, chiffons, halos, and wings.  The children go outside and first enjoy playing amongst themselves and reenact events which that particular prophet or angelic being might have done.  Later the children parade together from home to home to receive candy and say bashish which means gratuity.  Once this is done the children will attend the Party of paradise at the House of the Sustainer.  The House of the Sustainer has been decorated.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chapter 19 - Tablet 4:19 - Tablet 6:10

Page 1640

Al Khidr          Murduk
Tablet 4:19          Tablet 6:10

to resemble paradise with white clouds such as those which descend with the angelic beings from heaven, doves which came to Yashua and a tree of knowledge of agreeable and disagreeable which is located in the middle of the garden.  The children will listen to to the song Jannah, from Though Nuwaubian tapes series called, Path of the Nuwaubians.  The children are served the four drinks of paradise which are milk, honey, water, and wine.  Those who do not drink all four cannot stay at the party.  As all foru are comparable to paradise as a land of milk and honey.  And fresh pies such as pumpkin pie will be served.  Later on, they enter paradise.

Tablet Five
Those of Amon-Ra

Lo! and the souls of the Amon, faithful of the community of Ahmad, son of abd-Allat and Amina,

2  Are to be created from sweat of Ahmad who is called Muhammad or better Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin, son of Abd-Allat,

3 Peace be upon him,

4 So they will say:

5  Nothing would exist if Allah didn't create it.

6  Then El Eloh, created three Candlesticks of green carnelian,

7  And its outside is seen from its inside.

8  Then he created my form as Malachi,

9  Sun of El Eloh, with the healing power,

10 Giving me 720 degrees,

11  And how I will look in the physical world.

12  So he placed in my head this candlestick

13 That I may look inside, and outside of all things.

14  And I stood in it as one standing in worship.

15  The 24 Anunnagi of the Sarufaat did Tawaf, circumference around the light of me, Malachi, son of ANU,

16  They said:  Glory be to ANU,

17  And nothing would exist if ANU A'LYUN A'LYUN EL didn't create it;

18  ANU is the most supreme, for another seven thousand years.

19  When the end of one existence is the beginning of another.

Tablet Six
Zodoq: Melchizedek

Lo! Then El Eloh the supreme being, commanded all the souls of creation to look at my form,

2  And I incarnated in the form of Melchizedek, Malkiy-Tsedeq, Malachi-Zodoq,

3  And then I incarnated in the form of Al Qubt,

4  Then I incarnated in the form of Yaanuwn.

5  I am from Rizq the eight planet in the nineteenthh galaxy Illyuwn,

6  Far outside of this one.

7  I am sent here to give you the true guidance.

8  Out of your past that has become your future and has returned to warn you.

9  I came from planet Rizq by way of Nibiru, you call it Jannat.

10  Our solar system is within the 19th galaxy on this side of the first warp

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:10-37

Tablet 6:10  -  Tablet6:37

called the "black hole."

11  We have a tri-solar system of 19 planets and 39 moons.

12 Some planet have moons while others don't.

13 I come from the 8th planet of the nineteenth galax called Illyuwn.

14  The planet Rizq is a great planet that gives a great deal of energy originally having 2 moons, but now one.

15  From the planet Nibiru we can use three suns and one moon.

16 Yanaan, also spelled Yaanuwn and the beings of my planet live and look much like you humims or human beings of Earth.

17  We are called Rizqiyian or Anunnagi or just the Aluhum.  I am one of the teachers of the 19th galaxy.

18  I try to raise your consciousness so that when the ship returns in the lunar loggin of the Twelfth point, in August, in the year 2,003 of the Gregorian Calendar, when the gate or great vortex will re-open and this planet called Earth positions itself, in the location of revolution of the planets, and they all are in a line as in the lunar loggin of the fifth point in May, in the year two thousand, of the Gregorian Calendar, you will be ready.

19  You have psychic powers-you must use them.

20  I was bred for you.

21  I come from a star fleet of people that are scientists and astrologers;

22  They are the ones who keep the Akasha, Akastic Records

23 They keep the logs of everything that takes place in all the planets.

24  The planet that I come from each being lives to be 1000 years old.  As "Etherians"  or "Etheric Beings"  in our perfected state we live trillions of years, a time system beyond your comprehension at this point.

25  When in our incarnated state we each live 120 years or less.  Your atmosphere created by your sun, a dying star, causes us true Melanin-ites to age and die much more rapidly because it alters our chemistry and reduces our stay.  So to stay there for 1,000 years, would be like staying here for a day.  In our original state we live 1,000 Earth years.

26  We stay and then move on to another galaxy.

27  A whole star fleet came to Earth in ether form.

28  The beings on my planet are human beings very similar to Earth people,

29  Except the supreme beings, the elite or etheric etherians incarnated into a form.

30  Their height is 7 feet tall.  The shape of their eyes are different,

31  They have large black pupils with the white or their eyes and they also have other glands and organs transplanted into them, the color of their skin is green as the greenest of olives.

32  Making them able to adjust to any planet's atmosphere, except those with dying stars.

33  They are called the Eloh's, and as a group they are referred to as Anunnagi.  They have 9 ether.

34  When traveling we can incarnate to look like any beings of creatures we choose,

35  As long as we do some brain adjustments and organ adjustments.

36  Then become as Illah Mutajassida or Eloh incarnated into flesh; Ilah.

37  It is when a person is born that an

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:37 - 69

Tablet 6:37          Tablet 6:69

Ilah Mutajassid incarnates into them.

38  As the person grows and matures, the spirit within him dominates his body, unless the person suppresses it.

39  Although we act and move as any other human,

40  Our eyes embody complete mastery of the transcending of the physical world.

41  One of the reasons we come to Earth is because man begins to lean towards corruption,

42  And the negative Karma we call qudri or aura of the Earth begins to dominate.

43  This negativeness in the total living organism which we are all a part of different densities yet in a Quantum state effects us all.

44 Therefore, when you think of angels it is us who you think of and your call is being answered.  Your prayers are heard, so we descent to Earth and have become flesh and body like man in order to help man.

45  The disagreeable Hindu Avatara that came down were the 200 fallen angels, and the Hindus are descendants of them.

46  Those beings who arrived thousands of years ago, were mermaphrodites.

47  Those beings who arrived thousands of years ago, were hermaphrodites.

48  Looding human in all respect yet with slight variations,

49  And each being only lives for twenty and 100 years in physical form.

50  You would not be able to tell the difference between any other human being on Earth.

51  In the etheric form of light, you call us spirits,

52  and the supreme beings you refer to as holy spirits or the holy ghosts,

53  Because we know the formula of the chemistry of the human body.

54  We knkow how to alter molecules and dematerialize through magnetism and the tetrahedron science matters at will.

55  By using magnetism, we use the parts of the human brain that are not being used,

56  And live in parts of their cells that they don't use as of yet.  We can incarnate into anybody we want at any given time.

57  This is how it was done on behalf of myself, he said.

58  and then I saw a little dark copper tone baby.

59  And I went into his body.

60  And he became the Sun Of Justice also called Rabboni:  Y'shua Bar El Haady.

61  I have visited the planet Earth three times.

62  Let me explain where the word Earth comes from,

63  Because this planet has had many names depending on who is speaking about it, and from which galaxy.

64  One of the oldest names used when referring to Earth is "Tiamat",

65  Later it was called "Qi",

66 And finally it was called "Eridu" a home away from home by a race of supreme beings called "Anunnagi, Aluhum",

67  Who came here, to Earth, originally for the sole purpose of mining.

68  Over 7,050  years ago their crafts called Ziggurats consisting of 7 stages sloping upward into a pyramid form, 300 feet in height,

69  Or the crown shaped shams and

page 1642

Al Qubt

Figure 536
Al Qubt

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:69-93

Tablet 6:69          Tablet 6:93

they crashed down in the Arabian Sea,

70  On the southern tip of what is called Iraq today, and named that spot "Eridu."

71  There to elimiante the birth of any supreme being by an injection with a hypodermic needle into the base of the brain with a drug called PCP, "phenyl cyclohexyl piperidine"  called Angel dust that which could reduce an angelic being to mere dust injected into the Hippocampus area in order to deaden the Barathary Gland.

72  In order to prevent this the child must be born 12:00 midnight in the midst of a lightning storm as a shield.

73  And this is why his mother and the relatives sighted the presence of the great star on that Tuesday, twelve midnight, in the Lunar Logging of the 26th point, in June, when the planet called Earth positioned itself, in the location of the revolution of Earth year 1945 of the Gregorian Calendar.

74  The weather filled with overcast of clouds and rain, a perfect cover for a mission.

75  We did not re-insert it into the hippocampus part of the brain this time, but in the lower part of the chin referred to as the submental area,

76  Meaning the "Sub" or "Lower" and "Mental" that which reacts with the mind.

77  There was no need for the replacement of an appendix.

78  Because the appendix was there and would not be removed,

79  Nor his tonsils as in the case of others.

80  We would have to replace their Barathary Gland in the "submental are",

81  The lower part of the chin,

82  If the tonsils are removed to replace them.

83  And if their appendix is removed, replace them and reactivate them,

84  Unlike the case of this child.

85  Then the child was right to make way for my entrance.

86  I visited again after the Lunar Logging of the 6th point, in August, when the planet called Earth positioned itself, in the location of the revolution of Earth year 1945 of the Gregorian Calendar, when you bombed Hiroshima, Japan.

87  And in the Lunar Logging of the nineth point, in August, when the planet called Earth positioned itself, in the location of the revolution of Earth year 1945 of the Gregorian Calendar, when you bombed Nagasaki, Japan

88  It became apparent that the beings of Earth were on a path of self destruction;

89  Playing with atomic power.

90  So I arrived in the Lunar Logging of the seventeenth point in September, of that same year to a galactical meeting held on Earth.

91  And on the child's 25th birthday,

92  Which was in the Lunar Logging of the 26th point, in June, when the planet called Earth positioned itself, in the location of the revolution of Earth year 1970 of the Gregorian Calendar,

93  When I made direct contact and implanted my total self in his being.  And this special day is commemorated by a great event for our savior.

On this great day lectures of all kinds are being presented.  And excellent speakers are brought forth to lecture on the different

page 1644

Rizqiyians Descending from the Shams

Figure 537
Rizqiyians Descending from the Shams

The Mothership

Figure 538
The Mothership

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:94 - 111

Tablet 6:94          Tablet 6:111

topics in different languages, as ambassadors, and great knowledge that our Supreme Grand Master has embarked upon us.  People from all over gather to this big event, to celebrate the birth of our Master Teacher, for this is a great day, for all Nuwaubians of all races.  Sport tornaments, all kinds of foods from around the world, and different types of cultural music.  It is a great family gathering.  And we thank The Most High for allowing us to be blessed with such a great teacher.  Different stories are being told about his birth, and the birth of the tabernacle and the many metamorphosis of it.  People come dressed in their native clothing as well as Egyptian, African, Islaamic, Sumerican garments, and different events and performances are taking place, we have a carnival and a parade.  We have a precession of Usir "Osiris", which is lead by our Master Teacher, and followed by the brotherhood of set, as well as precession to Aset "Isis", lead by the 3 high priestess of the order of the Sisters of Aset.  And our Sacred Order, The Ancient and Mystic Order of Melchizedek, have a sacred ceremony, as well.  We celebrate a drum ceremony event, where the men beat drums all night, from 12:00 p.m. until the next morning, to the make the new year in our calendar, and much, much more.

94  Throughout the 400 year enslavement of the Nuwaubians, in the Western hemisphere and even throughout Europe and even throughout Europe there was a hope, a longing for a savior.

95  One who could answer the many questions.

96  The first being, why are we rejected and hated by all?

97  What have we done to deserve the persecution, and the murder, the derogatory terms?

98  Why were we allowed to be hung, beaten experimented on, and treated like animals?

99  Why did nobody in the free world try to come to our aid?

100  We were deprived of a proper education, and then called dumb and stupid.

101  We were deprived of proper work and were not allowed to establish our own income and we were called lazy and shiftless.

102  We were introduced to narcotics, and alcohol and then we were called drug addicts.

103  We were left with no means of support, cornered into alternative methods of survival then we were called criminals.

104  Some of us were cast into prison, there again we were abused.

105  We were not given fair trials, couldn't afford proper representation.

106  We were abducted into the armed forces, or volunteered to defend the country in which we found ourselves dead on the battlefield or came home and were called Nigger.

107  Through all of this the only thing that remained for us was hope.

108  With that hope we were poisoned by superstitions, mythology and just plain ignorance.

109  Never being taught who we really were and where we came from.

110  We were told to become Christians, it's our only means of salvation.

111  They hung a Caucasian on a cross in front of us and told us this was.

pg 1647

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:111-137


Tablet 6:111            Tablet 6:137

God's son.

112 In our minds, that meant that his father was also a Caucasian.

113  His mother Mary called the Blessed Mother mary was also a Caucasian and all the Angels were Caucasians.

114  And if God was Caucasian, and Caucasians pride themselves on being called white and bad is black, its opposite, thus the devil is black.

115  We had to endure thsi harsh treatment.

116  We had to endure the many names we were being called.

117  And was expected always to keep a smile.

118  Finally, in the twentieth century, things began to happen.  Men were being born, who had small pieces to a big puzzle.

119  None of them knew that they were a part of a master plan, where all the pieces of the puzzle would fit in, starting from 1970 A.D.

120  Before the date Nuwaubians found themselves in all kinds of organizations.

121  Some were docile like many of your Christian and Orthodox Muslim groups, Prince Hall Masons, and even Black Shriners, and the Elks.

122  Others were militant, like the Black Panthers, the Young Lords, the African Pioneer movement, the Black Muslims, the Five Percenters, the Hebrew Israelites, and the Black Nationalists.

123  With these groups came, many would be messiahs, prophets, Mahdis, saviors, leaders, and even some call themselves God and Allah.

124  We had all kinds of Ministers Pastors, Reverends, Rabbis, Kohens, Imaams, Shaikhs.

125  Yet, our condition stayed the same.

126  We may appear to be doing good under a specific leader, but in all cases, all of the above were depending on others for guidance, and borrowing from each other.

127  Either they used, the Caucasian, King James version of the Bible, or a Jewish translation of the Holy Scripture,

128  Or a pale Arabs translation of the Qur'aan,

129  Or a Zionist Jew named Levi H. Dowling's book the Aquarian gospel and changed it into a Koran for the Moorish Science Temple.

130  Others depended on what they call pale Arab interpretation of Islam, or from lessons, what W.F. Muhammad wrote, and from it a Nuwaubian gave birth to a splinter group called Five Percenters,

131  And he declared himself Allah using this pale Arab lessons.

132  This was Clarence 13X.  All in all Nuwaubians fell deeper and deeper into ignorance.

133 It was a case of the blind leading the blind.

134  But all knew that a savior was coming.  Some thought it was Marcus Garvey who wanted to go back to Africa,

135  Others thought Noble Drew Ali, others thought it was Honorable Elijah Muhammad, or his teacher W.F. Muhammad,

136  Others thought it was Clarence 13X, even others thought it was Dr. Martin Luther King, some said it was H. Rap Brown or Stokely Carmichael from the 60's,

137  Or Eldridge Cleaver or Bobby Seale, some thought it was Ron Karenga,

page 1648

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:137 - 166

AL KHIDR              MURDUK
Tablet 6:137                Tablet 6:- 166

or Leroi Jones;

138  Some think it's Warith D, Muhammad, son of Elijah Muhammad;

139  Others think it's Minister Louis Farrakhan or Yahweh or Ben Amni Carter.

140  And even others think it is themselves, and the list of saviors goes on.

141   From the early 1900s all the way up to 1975 A.D. when something new happened.

142  A teaching unlike before started spreading.

143  It started with the awareness of our culture and identity, an awakening all around the globe with the only barriers of language and religion.

144  There was a wave of riots everywhere which only added to the tension.

145  And the formation of organizations like the Black Panthers founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale for a never ending struggle for the liberation of Nuwaubians.

146  This made way for the first part of our liberation by way of Nuwaubu.

147  What I have to give, would liberate the mind of the Nuwaubian Nation and the physical will follow;

148  Because once there is mental unity there is physical unity, because where the mind goes the body will follow.

149  This too was apart of the preparation for my appearance.

150  Others like the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Martin Luther King were concerned with the upliftment and sense of pride in Nuwaubian people, and the beginnings of a doctrine.

151  Not knowing who were or where we came from and where we are going.

152  The time was now!  Right Truth has come to put all false things under your feet.

153  With a doctrine to give you the power to test all who stand in fron of you.

154  And dares to claim they have the truth.

155  I am here amongst you to take you by the hand and lead you to that which was promised you.

156  You shoudl feel a comfort being with me.  I truly know the way out of the hell you  Nuwaubians have been in for 6000 years,

157  How to break the spell.

158  For all who will listen.  It is through Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom,  and a Right Overstanding, which is the Science of Nuwaubu.

159  Don't turn away from your last chance of salvation.  This is the book that will solve the problem, The Problem Book.

160  I say test me and you will see who I really am.

161  Ask and it shall be given.

162  Seek and you shall find.

163  Knock and the door shall be open unto you.

164  Simply ASK, Ask Seek Knock.  Merely ask for I am your long awaited savior!

165  It is my voice that roars with the sound of many waters saying these things.

166 I say unto you who are faithful and true, I am The Melchizedek of all the holy prophets.  Allah has sent me to give good tidings to prepare the way for Ha Mashiakh or El Masuh, The Real Messiah,

page 1649

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:167-200

AL KHIDR                   MURDUK
Tablet 6:167                  Tablet 6:200

167  And to show you things which must shortly come to pass,

168  And prepare a way straight for him.

169  For I have declared in my very own scroll the Scroll of Malachi.

170  In this scroll I am known as the Aluhum Miyka'El also known as Murduk, Marduk, Amar-Utu, Azag and Amunnubi Rooakhptah.

171  The grandson of the Most High El, "The Heavenly One"  ANU who is the warring Aluhum, whose name Miyka'El means "who dares be like El" a repeated incarnation from shell to shell,

172  Who fights on behalf of ANU A'LYUN A'LYUN EL, The Most High.

173  Behold, I have been sent to prophesy before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahuwa.

174  Before me was Elijah.  Eli-jah is the reverse of Yahuwa Aluhum, El Eloh.

175  The Aluhum Yahuwa is the manifestation in the form of perfection.

176 He is the Elijah for this day and time.

177  For there were many, but because you were not ready for the many such as Elijah the Tishbite,

178  Of the book of First Kings degree 18.

179  Then again in a second incarnation, John the son of Zachariah, called the Baptist,

180  Who was not aware whom he was.

181  And a third incarnation as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,

182  He was the third Elijah sent to prepare the wya for myself, Malachi.

183  Each of these was not the final Elijah because you were not willing to accept him.

184  But it was all necessary for the preparation of what I am teaching you now for your overstanding and acceptance.

185  I had to take you through several schools of learning before I could get you to this point to get all the stories and names correct in your head.

186  You will become sons of the Aluhum back into the family of the Aluhum after the Order of Melchizedek.

187  New words were introduced and people grabbed onto them quickly, and started calling themselves Nuwaubians, instead of black this and black that, or Afro this, or Afro that.

188  You are Nuwaubians, you are originally from Nubia.

189  You have your own language Nuwaubic.

190  You have your own dress and culture.

191  You now have everything you need to go on to the next level.

192  I cam giving you what you wanted, Islaam,

193  So that you would learn to want what I really have to give.

194  Now you have learned to want what I have to give.

195  The name Nuwaubian started spreading throughout the Western hemisphere.

196  You wore nose rings, immediately nose rings became a trend.

197  I said you wore braids, that too became a trend.

198  I said you wore beads in your hear and beads on the braids became a trend.

199 I said stop calling them white people.

2000 They're not white, they are lepers,

page 1650

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:200 - 231

AL KHIDR              MURDUK
Tablet 6:200            Tablet 6:231

that too became a trend for all Nuwaubian leaders.

201  The curse of Canaan, the Amorite, the 400 year bondage, as oppose to the 430 year bondage of Israel.

202  Everybody would start to pick out of the things that were being said, never knowing that the hope had arrived.

203  The facts beyond any doubt had finally come.

204  And this mysterious spell called the Spell of Leviathan was about to be broken.

205  A doctrine that all the previous leaders were feeding off of, and pretending that it was theirs, came like a thief in the night,

206  Rose up from in your midst.

207  Yet in return for these facts there was only slander, much gossip, much hearsay.

208  They sent out their best.  First the leaders would try their futile attacks on what he had to say,

209  Only to be put in check immediately

210  Next they called the Arabs.  Go prove him wrong, they came only to leave with their tail between their legs,

211  And with such a fear of me,

212  Their only thoughts were  we must kill him.

213  They attempted to approach it from an Arabic standpoint and it was met with Arabic in its purest form,

214  They came with Hebrew, that too was met.

215  Deep in their hearts and in the hearts of their followers, they began to realize that the time had finally come.

216  A revelation was now in order.

217  The events of the enslavement and the abuse is scriptural as the abuse of the Israelites in Egypt.

218  And this is how and when it all began for us.

219  The mission of our master teacher formed in the late 1960's A.D. under the name Amunnubi Rooakhptah,

220  An unknown writer of the Science of Nuwaubu,

221  Knowing the Nuwaubians weren't ready for that level of information as of yet,

222 I started teaching under the name Imaam Isa,

223  For Muslims seem to be the most influential movements of that time and didn't dare question each other.

224  I set up the headquarters, which was located in Brooklyn, New York and began in an apartment building on 2525 Bedford Avenue in 1967 A.D.

225  During this time, I named my mission Ansaar Pure Sufi, with usage of the 6-pointed star and crescent with an ankh inside.

226  Our official garb at this time was a black tunic, we called a budlah and black loose fitting pants, with a tarbush and shoes which became known as Romeos.

227  This was in the year 1967 A.D.

228  Then the dress changed to African robes and the people, we called ourselves the Nuwaubians.

229  This was in the year 1968-1968 A.D.

230  In 1969 A.D. the group metamorphised to the Nuwaubian Islaamic Hebrews.

231  And the dress changed to a more elaborate style of dashiki, a black fez and a small bone in the left ear for those who wished to wear it and a ring in the right nostril.

page 1651

Friday, January 7, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:232 - 261


AL KHIDR            MURDUK
Tablet 6:232             Tablet 6:261

232  In 1970 A.D. the Nuwaubian Islaamic Hebrews were founded as an official sect and communal living was set.

233  Also in the year 1970 A.D., the small flock moved to a house on Neptune Avenue and 23rd street, in Coney Island.

234  And opened the Pure Sufu Bookstore on 720 Flatbush Avenue and the layout and printing shop was 492 Flatbush Avenue, right down the block.

235  Twenty eight thirteen West 29th Street served as a meeting place and lecture hall which was my home in Coney Island.

236  We then relocated and opened a Masjid on 222 Utica Avenue.

237  This was a very spiritual period and many Angelic visitors manifested themselves to the growing congregation.

238  Our community was expanding so rapidly, we had to move again in 1972 A.D.

239  This time to 452 Rockaway Avenue where classes were held in what we called the "Upper Room."

240  The next move took us to Carroll Street where a candy store was opened.

241 Later that year the masjid was re-established at 838 St. John's Place and a book store was opened.

242  I began publishing the pamphlets of peace.

243  I wrote, typed, illustrated, reproduced and distributed them almost single handedly.

244  I diligently treaded the streets of New York and the surrounding areas as I propagated Sufi Islaam.

245  I was blessed with the "gift of gab" combined with a sense of humor and charisma that draws people of all walks of life to me.

246  People began to wonder who this man who spoke to profoundly and so persistently on many subjects which were previously considered unmentionable.

247  At first, many people joined the mission because it was the style:  to be "black"  and cultural.

248  I drew many hypocrites-phonies who just wanted to "play Muslim."

249  They didn't want to work to build a nation.

250  They just wanted to dress in Africa clothing, play drums and listen to me speak.

251  I called them the "first fruits."

252  They were faithful, but not true.

253  In 1972  A.D., after returning from Sudan I drew a literal line on the masjid floor,

254  And said:  those who wanted their "culture," but did not want to sacrifice to build for the future were excluded.

255  The mission was then carried on by those who were willing to "work for the perfection."

256  "The mission expanded and moved to a new headquarters in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn,

257  Originally occupying one building 743 Bushwick Avenue,

258  And then adding on more buildings as time passed until it had grown to a village which presently exists on Bushwick Avenue till this day.

259  Our mission has obtained all its assets through sacrificing without the aid of outside funds.

260  We've established many businesses within our community structure.

261  Immediately the jealousy and the hatred started.

page 1652

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:262 - 6:284

Tablet 6:262        Tablet 6:284

Page 1653

262  The slander was on the lips of those who could not quite overstand where we came from.

263  We donned black tarbushes and our symbol was simply a crescent, a six-pointed star and an ankh.

264  We propagated daily, we walked the trains, throughout the buses on all the colleges campuses.

265  Our message of the Nuwaubian Islaamic Hebrews, Ansaaru Allah Community could be heard.

266  The Nuwaubians that were following Orthodox Islam, or many of the other groups, would simply say, if you ignore them they will just go away they are just a schism,

267  They won't last, we are the true nation, we have the right way.  However, as time has proven,

268  They are the ones, that have fallen away.

269  Their leaders took them absolutely nowhere.

270  As they watched the Ansaaru Allah Community grow worldwide, a link was made with the Ansaars of the Sudan known as the Mahdiyya,

271  Which welcomed the Ansaars of the Western hemisphere.

272  At this point we were wearing what had been established as the international garb of the Ansaaru Allah Community,

273  Which consisted of the thawb, dress and khimar, face veil for the female.  This face veil which was not apart of the Sudanese original dress was introduced by the women of the community who mostly left immediately after and went back to wearing western attire leaving the devoted women behind veiled.  I told them the day would come when this veil would have to be removed while living in the West, and it has.

274  And the jallaabiyya, a long white garment and bantaluwn, loose fitting pants and immah, head covering for the male with an azzaba.

275  This angered them more, for it legitimized the Ansaaru Allah Community as being linked to their ancestors in Nubia and one family.

276  But our teachings were still in a baby stage and was growing to adolescence rapidly.

277 We were unique because no human being can find fault in it.  There is no confusion in it.

278  then on into adulthood, our code of dress changed from time to time, to suit the time we were in.

279  Our garb had mutated again in the year 1992 A.D., to the kathnuwth, tunic and bantaluwn, loose-fitting pants with a sash around the waist in various colors for the male,

280 And the budlah nubi of the female which also consists of a tunic and bantaluwn and a shawl as a head covering of many colors.

281  And the information that was being taught, believing that you must be submerged into the environment of what you're being taught fully was completed.

282  This again made the fools raise their eyebrows,

283  And say of us:  "I told you, they didn't know what they were doing, they keep changing.  They used to wear veils, now they don't."

284  Not one of them was intelligent enough to see, that this change was their great chance,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chapter 19 Tablet 6:285-6:308

Al Khidr                                      Murduk
Tablet 6:285 - Tablet 6:308

285 For they said:  "those people, those Ansaars, they're not real Muslims, Allah does not accept their prayers,

286 Or their fasting, and they're not going to Jennah, they worship that man, that disco singer Dr. York."

287  Yet when the change came they confessed to themselves and to the Ansaaru Allah Community that all the while they thought of us as Muslims,

288 For they said; I heard they don't fast Ramadaan no more, I heard they don't make five daily prayers no more, and they destroyed the masjid,

289 I heard their women no longer follow the dress of Al Qur'aan,

290  They're taking off the veil and their men no longer wear the jallabiyyas and the immahs, what happened to them?

291  The answer should have been simply, if we weren't Muslims, how could they ask these questions.

292  They confirmed that they looked to us as living according to Al Qur'aan.

293  Our children were raised speaking fluent classical Arabic, reading the Qur'aan in Arabic.

294  Yet the Qur'aan is a 1400 year old book,

295  And Islam is a 1400 old religion the way they practiced it.

296  And was doing absolutely nothing to change the conditionn of the Nuwaubian in the Western hemisphere.

297  They may put on a taggiyah, grow a beard, or shave their beard, put on oils from the east or robes from the east, prayer beads in their hands,

298  And carry an English translation of the Qur'aan but the condition and the state of mind did not change.

299 A sign that wiht all they had and have been exposed to, with all these teachers and saviors they were still in need of Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom and Right Overstanding.

300  It is my job to reform all the false teachings that had been taught to Nuwaubians in the west and restore Islaam to its pristine purity.

301  It is because of these false teachings of the so-called Arabs who deliberately mistranslated verses of the Qur'aan to confuse non-Arabic speaking Nuwaubians in the west.

302  the time was right for this Prepared Savior, so we moved up into the Catskills Mountains of Liberty, New York and set up what I called Jazzir Abba.

303  And set up the 19 tests of 19 weeks of the faithful that would come through blizzards,

304  To be taught once that was accomplished.  The next move was to the Mecca of Nuwaubians, Georgia.

305  The dress then changed to western attire in order to get everybody away from doing their own thing;

306  Those that truly followed the Lamb where he may lead them,

307  Trusted in him and wore western clothes and even listened to country western music,

308  Simply because he asked them to and now the Holy Tabernacle Ministries is growing world wide and the mission is being accomplished.  Nuwaubians are allowed to wear what they want.  Whatever you wish to wear, is your choice.  However we give honor to our great ancestors, and therefore the Men wear the Murduk braid, which is a back of your head, called the FARU, and the Women also wear the Faru, or the "Ninti braid", which is a braid that is an

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