Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:111-137


Tablet 6:111            Tablet 6:137

God's son.

112 In our minds, that meant that his father was also a Caucasian.

113  His mother Mary called the Blessed Mother mary was also a Caucasian and all the Angels were Caucasians.

114  And if God was Caucasian, and Caucasians pride themselves on being called white and bad is black, its opposite, thus the devil is black.

115  We had to endure thsi harsh treatment.

116  We had to endure the many names we were being called.

117  And was expected always to keep a smile.

118  Finally, in the twentieth century, things began to happen.  Men were being born, who had small pieces to a big puzzle.

119  None of them knew that they were a part of a master plan, where all the pieces of the puzzle would fit in, starting from 1970 A.D.

120  Before the date Nuwaubians found themselves in all kinds of organizations.

121  Some were docile like many of your Christian and Orthodox Muslim groups, Prince Hall Masons, and even Black Shriners, and the Elks.

122  Others were militant, like the Black Panthers, the Young Lords, the African Pioneer movement, the Black Muslims, the Five Percenters, the Hebrew Israelites, and the Black Nationalists.

123  With these groups came, many would be messiahs, prophets, Mahdis, saviors, leaders, and even some call themselves God and Allah.

124  We had all kinds of Ministers Pastors, Reverends, Rabbis, Kohens, Imaams, Shaikhs.

125  Yet, our condition stayed the same.

126  We may appear to be doing good under a specific leader, but in all cases, all of the above were depending on others for guidance, and borrowing from each other.

127  Either they used, the Caucasian, King James version of the Bible, or a Jewish translation of the Holy Scripture,

128  Or a pale Arabs translation of the Qur'aan,

129  Or a Zionist Jew named Levi H. Dowling's book the Aquarian gospel and changed it into a Koran for the Moorish Science Temple.

130  Others depended on what they call pale Arab interpretation of Islam, or from lessons, what W.F. Muhammad wrote, and from it a Nuwaubian gave birth to a splinter group called Five Percenters,

131  And he declared himself Allah using this pale Arab lessons.

132  This was Clarence 13X.  All in all Nuwaubians fell deeper and deeper into ignorance.

133 It was a case of the blind leading the blind.

134  But all knew that a savior was coming.  Some thought it was Marcus Garvey who wanted to go back to Africa,

135  Others thought Noble Drew Ali, others thought it was Honorable Elijah Muhammad, or his teacher W.F. Muhammad,

136  Others thought it was Clarence 13X, even others thought it was Dr. Martin Luther King, some said it was H. Rap Brown or Stokely Carmichael from the 60's,

137  Or Eldridge Cleaver or Bobby Seale, some thought it was Ron Karenga,

page 1648

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