Friday, June 10, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 4:5-19


AL KHIDR                    MURDUK
Tablet 4:5                    Tablet 4:19

5  These are your aids,
6  Each is one of the branches of the tree;
7  "the Lote-Tree, also called "The Green Tree",
8  May ANU be pleased with them.
9  then my light said:  "glory be to ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL"
10 For another 14,000 years.
11 Then ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL, created the light of all the other newsbearers from the light of Adam or Zakar whose real name is Kadmon,
12  Son of Atum and Lilith and the Light is the life in human beings.
13  Peace and blessings of ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL be upon him.
14  Then the peacock looked at the light which ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL created,
15 and from it he created their rooakh souls, that is,
16  He created the souls of the prophets "newsbearers" from your sweat Adam or Zakar,
17  My friend, peace be upon you.
18  And he is to create the souls of the community of these newsbearers,
19  From the sweat of the newsbearers.

And This Is How The Event Of The Prophets And Angels Should Be Commemorated

Prophets And Angels day

On October thirty first, we will celebrate Prophets And Angels Day.  It is most commonly known as Halloween.  It is a day of positiveness and goodness.  The homes are gaily decorated with pictures of the prophets, Aluhum, apostles, and sacred women of the scriptures.   The shadow hour before, October thirtieth, is called shadow hour of prayer.  After the evening worship, the congregation remains in the House of the Sustainer and say "I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the cursed one", facing the north, south, east and west.  Then all read from the book of light asking the Aluhum to protect them from evil.  The congregation chants Suwrah El Naas chapter of the people, and Suwrah El Falaq, chapter of the breaking forth of the day; nineteen times each.  Then chant the ninety and nine plus one names of El Eloh.  We show forgiveness for the archangel Izraa'El the angel of death known as the Aluhum Anunnagi Enqi, for his job to take our souls to El Eloh.  We are not afraid of him we love as we do all of the angelic beings sent from El Eloh.  Passages of enlightenment from the Book of Light are also read.  On the following day the children are dressed in beautiful colorful costumes depicting prophets, apostles, angelic beings Al Mahdi, Yashua, Ali, and the reformer Dr. Malachi Z. York.  The girls are dressed like the sacred women of the scriptures:  Eve, Naama, Sara, Hagar, Mary and Faatimah.  Costumes depicting great ment and women of Egypt, Nubia such as the wise Imhotep, Ankh Aton, Nefertiti and Celopatra are also worn.  The costumes have colorful crowns, swords, jewelry, beads, chiffons, halos, and wings.  The children go outside and first enjoy playing amongst themselves and reenact events which that particular prophet or angelic being might have done.  Later the children parade together from home to home to receive candy and say bashish which means gratuity.  Once this is done the children will attend the Party of paradise at the House of the Sustainer.  The House of the Sustainer has been decorated.

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