Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 3:28-57

Tablet 3:28       Tablet 3:57


29  Upkeep of the sacred temple passed to the Tribe of Kedar, Ishma'El second son, and then from tribe to tribe until it fell into the hands of the children of Kinana.

30  After the ascension of Ishma'El his son Nabat took charge of the sacred temple. 

31  The sons of Ishma'El and the sons of Nabat were living in Mecca at the time with their grandfather, Mudad, son of Amr and their maternal uncles of Jurhum.

32  They had traveled from Yemen with the Qatura people, their cousins,

33  And each had settled at opposite ends of the town,

34  The clan of Jurhum, who were not the offspring of Ishma'El,

35  Assumed full authority in Mecca and began to abuse their power.

36  Their power weakened and Manaf, son of Kinana, along with Ghushan of Khuza'a drove them out.

37  Khuza'a gained charge of the Kaaba and passed the charge of the temple from son to son to the last of them,

38  Hulayl, son of Salul, son of Ka'b Amr Al Khuza'a.

39  The Quraysh at the time were scattered among the family of Kinana.

40  In the year 420 A.D.,

41  A descendant of Fihr the chief of the Quraysh, by the name of Qusayy Banu Kulab married Hubba, the daughter of Hulayl.

42  When Hulayl died, Qusayy assumed guardianship of the Kaaba over the protest of Khuza'a, whom he eventually drove out of Mecca.

43  Qusayy was the first of Bane Ka'b, son of Lawaiy to assume rulership of Mecca.

44 He united the Quraysh and Kinana and Quda'a, and extended the boundaries in the decade between 450 A.D., willing his position to abdul Dar, his eldest son.

45  The descendants of Abdul dar proved unable to assume full responsibility for execution of the office.

46  In time, the duties of the Kaaba and the house of consultation, and also the right to carry the standard of War.

47  The clan of Abdu Manaf collected taxes and provided food and water for the pilgrims.

48  Haashim, the second son of Abdul Manf and the great grandfather of muhammad assumed the family duties.

49  On one of his business trips, he married Salma, daughter of Amr Banu Qadiyy, son of Al Najjar of Yathrib, Medinah.

50  Salma was of the Najran tribe who were Ansaars of the city of Madinah, the city of the Torah.

51  In the year 497 A.D. she bore him a son and they named him Shayba.

52  Haashim became sick and died in the city of Gaza.

53  His brother Al Muttalib of Haashim's death came to power and assumed the duties of the Kaaba.

54  Al Muttalib went to the city of Madinah to get Shayba and bring him back to Mecca.

55 Shayba was the next heir to the Quraysh tribe, the keepers of the Kaaba, through his father Haashim.

56  When Al Muttalib died the people of Mecca called Shayba, Abdul Muttalib, the slave of Muttalib.

57  Abdul Muttalib inherited the duties.

page 1631

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