Friday, June 10, 2011

Chapter 19 - Tablet 3:119 - 4:4

Page 1638
Tablet 3:119           Tablet 4:4

he was a special child,
120  And groomed him for the old prophecies and what they meant.

121  His father saw to it that he was well learnt in the laws of the scriptures.
122  Bilaal's father Rabah, was the keeper of the scepter,
123  And also a learnt man.
124  He kept the scepter hidden in a secret place.
125  When Bilaal reached the age of thirteen and had taken his Bar Mitzwah,
126  He assumed religious duty and was considered an adult.
127  After which, Rabah gave Bilaal the scepter destined to be passed on in fulfillment of the prophecy.
128  When Bilaal acted as mu'ahdhin, 'Umar heard him in his house,
129  And came to the Apostle dragging his cloak on the ground,
130  And saying that he had seen precisely the same vision.
131  When Imaam Ali passed away, Bilaal refused to become a follower of the Muawiyah.
132  He decided to settle in Syria, where he became  a governor of Damascus.
133  Bilaal then left to Medina where he had met two grandsons of Muhammad.
134  Together they asked Bilaal to call the Adhaan for the next daylight hour.
135  He could not refuse their request.
136  Before the following daylight hour.
137  Bilaal  ascended the minaret and called the Adhaan.
138  Bilaal would only call the Adhaan for the followers of Amiyru'l Muminiyn Ali.
139  They were the only ones who kept the basic tenets of Al Islaam.
140  Bilaal was now elderly and his close companion aided him up the minaret.
141  Then in the midst of a great silence burst once again the mighty voice of Bilaal chanting the Adhaan as it was called in the days of Muhammad.
142  So sweet was his voice that it touched the people's souls and brought tears to their eyes.
143  Bilaal passed away in the year 641 A.D.
144  He was 90 years old at home in the comfort of his bed.
145  Bilaal remarried when he was in Syria.
146  He had five sons and three daughters.
147  His descendants are the blacks who inhabit Morocco today.
148  His burial place was Aleppo, Damascus.
149  His tomb became one of the principle landmarks for many centuries.
150  After the passing of the scepter to Muhammad,
151  Bilaal, his two wives and their sons migrated to Morocco, where they settled.
152  This is where your black Moroccans descended from.

Tablet Four
The Four Lights

Lo!  And these four lights were:  Gabriy'el Zodoq son of Rasi'El and Zamma'El,
2  Rapha'El Zodoq, son of Waqabi'El and Fiqra'El,
3  Uri'El Zodoq, son of Azari'El and Rafiki'El,
4  And Izraa'El Zodoq son of ANU and Id,

page 1638

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