Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:94 - 111

Tablet 6:94          Tablet 6:111

topics in different languages, as ambassadors, and great knowledge that our Supreme Grand Master has embarked upon us.  People from all over gather to this big event, to celebrate the birth of our Master Teacher, for this is a great day, for all Nuwaubians of all races.  Sport tornaments, all kinds of foods from around the world, and different types of cultural music.  It is a great family gathering.  And we thank The Most High for allowing us to be blessed with such a great teacher.  Different stories are being told about his birth, and the birth of the tabernacle and the many metamorphosis of it.  People come dressed in their native clothing as well as Egyptian, African, Islaamic, Sumerican garments, and different events and performances are taking place, we have a carnival and a parade.  We have a precession of Usir "Osiris", which is lead by our Master Teacher, and followed by the brotherhood of set, as well as precession to Aset "Isis", lead by the 3 high priestess of the order of the Sisters of Aset.  And our Sacred Order, The Ancient and Mystic Order of Melchizedek, have a sacred ceremony, as well.  We celebrate a drum ceremony event, where the men beat drums all night, from 12:00 p.m. until the next morning, to the make the new year in our calendar, and much, much more.

94  Throughout the 400 year enslavement of the Nuwaubians, in the Western hemisphere and even throughout Europe and even throughout Europe there was a hope, a longing for a savior.

95  One who could answer the many questions.

96  The first being, why are we rejected and hated by all?

97  What have we done to deserve the persecution, and the murder, the derogatory terms?

98  Why were we allowed to be hung, beaten experimented on, and treated like animals?

99  Why did nobody in the free world try to come to our aid?

100  We were deprived of a proper education, and then called dumb and stupid.

101  We were deprived of proper work and were not allowed to establish our own income and we were called lazy and shiftless.

102  We were introduced to narcotics, and alcohol and then we were called drug addicts.

103  We were left with no means of support, cornered into alternative methods of survival then we were called criminals.

104  Some of us were cast into prison, there again we were abused.

105  We were not given fair trials, couldn't afford proper representation.

106  We were abducted into the armed forces, or volunteered to defend the country in which we found ourselves dead on the battlefield or came home and were called Nigger.

107  Through all of this the only thing that remained for us was hope.

108  With that hope we were poisoned by superstitions, mythology and just plain ignorance.

109  Never being taught who we really were and where we came from.

110  We were told to become Christians, it's our only means of salvation.

111  They hung a Caucasian on a cross in front of us and told us this was.

pg 1647

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