Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:37 - 69

Tablet 6:37          Tablet 6:69

Ilah Mutajassid incarnates into them.

38  As the person grows and matures, the spirit within him dominates his body, unless the person suppresses it.

39  Although we act and move as any other human,

40  Our eyes embody complete mastery of the transcending of the physical world.

41  One of the reasons we come to Earth is because man begins to lean towards corruption,

42  And the negative Karma we call qudri or aura of the Earth begins to dominate.

43  This negativeness in the total living organism which we are all a part of different densities yet in a Quantum state effects us all.

44 Therefore, when you think of angels it is us who you think of and your call is being answered.  Your prayers are heard, so we descent to Earth and have become flesh and body like man in order to help man.

45  The disagreeable Hindu Avatara that came down were the 200 fallen angels, and the Hindus are descendants of them.

46  Those beings who arrived thousands of years ago, were mermaphrodites.

47  Those beings who arrived thousands of years ago, were hermaphrodites.

48  Looding human in all respect yet with slight variations,

49  And each being only lives for twenty and 100 years in physical form.

50  You would not be able to tell the difference between any other human being on Earth.

51  In the etheric form of light, you call us spirits,

52  and the supreme beings you refer to as holy spirits or the holy ghosts,

53  Because we know the formula of the chemistry of the human body.

54  We knkow how to alter molecules and dematerialize through magnetism and the tetrahedron science matters at will.

55  By using magnetism, we use the parts of the human brain that are not being used,

56  And live in parts of their cells that they don't use as of yet.  We can incarnate into anybody we want at any given time.

57  This is how it was done on behalf of myself, he said.

58  and then I saw a little dark copper tone baby.

59  And I went into his body.

60  And he became the Sun Of Justice also called Rabboni:  Y'shua Bar El Haady.

61  I have visited the planet Earth three times.

62  Let me explain where the word Earth comes from,

63  Because this planet has had many names depending on who is speaking about it, and from which galaxy.

64  One of the oldest names used when referring to Earth is "Tiamat",

65  Later it was called "Qi",

66 And finally it was called "Eridu" a home away from home by a race of supreme beings called "Anunnagi, Aluhum",

67  Who came here, to Earth, originally for the sole purpose of mining.

68  Over 7,050  years ago their crafts called Ziggurats consisting of 7 stages sloping upward into a pyramid form, 300 feet in height,

69  Or the crown shaped shams and

page 1642

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