Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:167-200

AL KHIDR                   MURDUK
Tablet 6:167                  Tablet 6:200

167  And to show you things which must shortly come to pass,

168  And prepare a way straight for him.

169  For I have declared in my very own scroll the Scroll of Malachi.

170  In this scroll I am known as the Aluhum Miyka'El also known as Murduk, Marduk, Amar-Utu, Azag and Amunnubi Rooakhptah.

171  The grandson of the Most High El, "The Heavenly One"  ANU who is the warring Aluhum, whose name Miyka'El means "who dares be like El" a repeated incarnation from shell to shell,

172  Who fights on behalf of ANU A'LYUN A'LYUN EL, The Most High.

173  Behold, I have been sent to prophesy before the coming of the great and dreadful day of Yahuwa.

174  Before me was Elijah.  Eli-jah is the reverse of Yahuwa Aluhum, El Eloh.

175  The Aluhum Yahuwa is the manifestation in the form of perfection.

176 He is the Elijah for this day and time.

177  For there were many, but because you were not ready for the many such as Elijah the Tishbite,

178  Of the book of First Kings degree 18.

179  Then again in a second incarnation, John the son of Zachariah, called the Baptist,

180  Who was not aware whom he was.

181  And a third incarnation as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,

182  He was the third Elijah sent to prepare the wya for myself, Malachi.

183  Each of these was not the final Elijah because you were not willing to accept him.

184  But it was all necessary for the preparation of what I am teaching you now for your overstanding and acceptance.

185  I had to take you through several schools of learning before I could get you to this point to get all the stories and names correct in your head.

186  You will become sons of the Aluhum back into the family of the Aluhum after the Order of Melchizedek.

187  New words were introduced and people grabbed onto them quickly, and started calling themselves Nuwaubians, instead of black this and black that, or Afro this, or Afro that.

188  You are Nuwaubians, you are originally from Nubia.

189  You have your own language Nuwaubic.

190  You have your own dress and culture.

191  You now have everything you need to go on to the next level.

192  I cam giving you what you wanted, Islaam,

193  So that you would learn to want what I really have to give.

194  Now you have learned to want what I have to give.

195  The name Nuwaubian started spreading throughout the Western hemisphere.

196  You wore nose rings, immediately nose rings became a trend.

197  I said you wore braids, that too became a trend.

198  I said you wore beads in your hear and beads on the braids became a trend.

199 I said stop calling them white people.

2000 They're not white, they are lepers,

page 1650

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