Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:200 - 231

AL KHIDR              MURDUK
Tablet 6:200            Tablet 6:231

that too became a trend for all Nuwaubian leaders.

201  The curse of Canaan, the Amorite, the 400 year bondage, as oppose to the 430 year bondage of Israel.

202  Everybody would start to pick out of the things that were being said, never knowing that the hope had arrived.

203  The facts beyond any doubt had finally come.

204  And this mysterious spell called the Spell of Leviathan was about to be broken.

205  A doctrine that all the previous leaders were feeding off of, and pretending that it was theirs, came like a thief in the night,

206  Rose up from in your midst.

207  Yet in return for these facts there was only slander, much gossip, much hearsay.

208  They sent out their best.  First the leaders would try their futile attacks on what he had to say,

209  Only to be put in check immediately

210  Next they called the Arabs.  Go prove him wrong, they came only to leave with their tail between their legs,

211  And with such a fear of me,

212  Their only thoughts were  we must kill him.

213  They attempted to approach it from an Arabic standpoint and it was met with Arabic in its purest form,

214  They came with Hebrew, that too was met.

215  Deep in their hearts and in the hearts of their followers, they began to realize that the time had finally come.

216  A revelation was now in order.

217  The events of the enslavement and the abuse is scriptural as the abuse of the Israelites in Egypt.

218  And this is how and when it all began for us.

219  The mission of our master teacher formed in the late 1960's A.D. under the name Amunnubi Rooakhptah,

220  An unknown writer of the Science of Nuwaubu,

221  Knowing the Nuwaubians weren't ready for that level of information as of yet,

222 I started teaching under the name Imaam Isa,

223  For Muslims seem to be the most influential movements of that time and didn't dare question each other.

224  I set up the headquarters, which was located in Brooklyn, New York and began in an apartment building on 2525 Bedford Avenue in 1967 A.D.

225  During this time, I named my mission Ansaar Pure Sufi, with usage of the 6-pointed star and crescent with an ankh inside.

226  Our official garb at this time was a black tunic, we called a budlah and black loose fitting pants, with a tarbush and shoes which became known as Romeos.

227  This was in the year 1967 A.D.

228  Then the dress changed to African robes and the people, we called ourselves the Nuwaubians.

229  This was in the year 1968-1968 A.D.

230  In 1969 A.D. the group metamorphised to the Nuwaubian Islaamic Hebrews.

231  And the dress changed to a more elaborate style of dashiki, a black fez and a small bone in the left ear for those who wished to wear it and a ring in the right nostril.

page 1651

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