Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chapter 19 Tablet 3:57-83


Tablet 3:57        Tablet 3:83

of giving water and food to the pilgrims.
58  It was he who redug the ZamZam well that was very sacred because it is the well of Ishma'El, the son of Abraham.
59  Hagar wandered through the desert carrying her small son, Ishma'el,
60  When she should not find water her child began to cry from thirst and his mother,
61  Helpless to provide for him, she fell on her face and prayed to El Roi, the All Seeing,
62  Who caused water to spring forth from the spot where the ZamZam well is located and is the only one in the Valley of Mecca within the sacred enclosure.
63  Abdul Muttalib had made Tafulat for 10 sons
64  He vowed that if such an event occured, he would sacrifice one of them in the name of El Eloh.
65  Naturally he did not want to sacrifice any of his sons but he had to make good his promise.
66  As he led Abdullat to the sacrifice, the Quraysh who had been in assembly chanced to see them.
67  Upon finding out what Abdul Muttalib meant to do, they loudly protested.
68  They advised him to seek the counsel of a sorceress in the Hijaz region of Arabia,
69  Who told him to offer blood money, that was ten camels among the Quraysh, in the place of his son.
70  She told him to cast lots for the money and Abdullat, and it fell in his favor.
71  Some months later, Abdul Muttalib accompanied Abdullat to the house of Wahb, son of Abdul Hanaf, son of Zubra, son of Kilab, son of Murra, son of Ka'b, son of Lawaiy, son of Ghalib, son of Fihr.
72  To claim Wahb's daughter, Amina as his wife.
73  Her mother was Barra daughter of Abdul Uzza, son of Uthman, son of Abdul Dar, son of Qusayy, son of Kilab, son of Murra, son of Ka'b, son of Luwaiy, son of Ghalib, son of Fihr.
74  This woman knew of the prophecy which told of a prophet that would rise from among the people and born of the seed of Abdullat.
75  The prophet was to come through the tribe of Judah.
76  Judah was the only remaining tribe of the twelve tribes of Israel who was spared namely:
77  Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, Asher.
78  Judah was to protect the seat of prophethood of Isra'El until Shiloh came who was Muhammad,
79  All of the Israelites went astray except a remnant of the tribe of Judah and the Midianites, who fell under the covenant of the Ishmaelites.
80  A scepter would be passed from a descendant of the tribe of Judah by the name of Bilaal,
81  At which time the responsibility for keeping the law passed from the Israelites to the Ishmaelites.
82  Bilaal was born in the year 555 A.D. of the Danakiyl tribe and resided in land of Al Habasha or Abysinia.
83  He was aware that Moses had told the children of Israel that a prophet would be born in Arabia and the scepter

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