Thursday, January 6, 2011

Chapter 19 Tablet 6:285-6:308

Al Khidr                                      Murduk
Tablet 6:285 - Tablet 6:308

285 For they said:  "those people, those Ansaars, they're not real Muslims, Allah does not accept their prayers,

286 Or their fasting, and they're not going to Jennah, they worship that man, that disco singer Dr. York."

287  Yet when the change came they confessed to themselves and to the Ansaaru Allah Community that all the while they thought of us as Muslims,

288 For they said; I heard they don't fast Ramadaan no more, I heard they don't make five daily prayers no more, and they destroyed the masjid,

289 I heard their women no longer follow the dress of Al Qur'aan,

290  They're taking off the veil and their men no longer wear the jallabiyyas and the immahs, what happened to them?

291  The answer should have been simply, if we weren't Muslims, how could they ask these questions.

292  They confirmed that they looked to us as living according to Al Qur'aan.

293  Our children were raised speaking fluent classical Arabic, reading the Qur'aan in Arabic.

294  Yet the Qur'aan is a 1400 year old book,

295  And Islam is a 1400 old religion the way they practiced it.

296  And was doing absolutely nothing to change the conditionn of the Nuwaubian in the Western hemisphere.

297  They may put on a taggiyah, grow a beard, or shave their beard, put on oils from the east or robes from the east, prayer beads in their hands,

298  And carry an English translation of the Qur'aan but the condition and the state of mind did not change.

299 A sign that wiht all they had and have been exposed to, with all these teachers and saviors they were still in need of Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom and Right Overstanding.

300  It is my job to reform all the false teachings that had been taught to Nuwaubians in the west and restore Islaam to its pristine purity.

301  It is because of these false teachings of the so-called Arabs who deliberately mistranslated verses of the Qur'aan to confuse non-Arabic speaking Nuwaubians in the west.

302  the time was right for this Prepared Savior, so we moved up into the Catskills Mountains of Liberty, New York and set up what I called Jazzir Abba.

303  And set up the 19 tests of 19 weeks of the faithful that would come through blizzards,

304  To be taught once that was accomplished.  The next move was to the Mecca of Nuwaubians, Georgia.

305  The dress then changed to western attire in order to get everybody away from doing their own thing;

306  Those that truly followed the Lamb where he may lead them,

307  Trusted in him and wore western clothes and even listened to country western music,

308  Simply because he asked them to and now the Holy Tabernacle Ministries is growing world wide and the mission is being accomplished.  Nuwaubians are allowed to wear what they want.  Whatever you wish to wear, is your choice.  However we give honor to our great ancestors, and therefore the Men wear the Murduk braid, which is a back of your head, called the FARU, and the Women also wear the Faru, or the "Ninti braid", which is a braid that is an

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