Friday, January 7, 2011

Chapter 19, Tablet 6:262 - 6:284

Tablet 6:262        Tablet 6:284

Page 1653

262  The slander was on the lips of those who could not quite overstand where we came from.

263  We donned black tarbushes and our symbol was simply a crescent, a six-pointed star and an ankh.

264  We propagated daily, we walked the trains, throughout the buses on all the colleges campuses.

265  Our message of the Nuwaubian Islaamic Hebrews, Ansaaru Allah Community could be heard.

266  The Nuwaubians that were following Orthodox Islam, or many of the other groups, would simply say, if you ignore them they will just go away they are just a schism,

267  They won't last, we are the true nation, we have the right way.  However, as time has proven,

268  They are the ones, that have fallen away.

269  Their leaders took them absolutely nowhere.

270  As they watched the Ansaaru Allah Community grow worldwide, a link was made with the Ansaars of the Sudan known as the Mahdiyya,

271  Which welcomed the Ansaars of the Western hemisphere.

272  At this point we were wearing what had been established as the international garb of the Ansaaru Allah Community,

273  Which consisted of the thawb, dress and khimar, face veil for the female.  This face veil which was not apart of the Sudanese original dress was introduced by the women of the community who mostly left immediately after and went back to wearing western attire leaving the devoted women behind veiled.  I told them the day would come when this veil would have to be removed while living in the West, and it has.

274  And the jallaabiyya, a long white garment and bantaluwn, loose fitting pants and immah, head covering for the male with an azzaba.

275  This angered them more, for it legitimized the Ansaaru Allah Community as being linked to their ancestors in Nubia and one family.

276  But our teachings were still in a baby stage and was growing to adolescence rapidly.

277 We were unique because no human being can find fault in it.  There is no confusion in it.

278  then on into adulthood, our code of dress changed from time to time, to suit the time we were in.

279  Our garb had mutated again in the year 1992 A.D., to the kathnuwth, tunic and bantaluwn, loose-fitting pants with a sash around the waist in various colors for the male,

280 And the budlah nubi of the female which also consists of a tunic and bantaluwn and a shawl as a head covering of many colors.

281  And the information that was being taught, believing that you must be submerged into the environment of what you're being taught fully was completed.

282  This again made the fools raise their eyebrows,

283  And say of us:  "I told you, they didn't know what they were doing, they keep changing.  They used to wear veils, now they don't."

284  Not one of them was intelligent enough to see, that this change was their great chance,

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