Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chapter 19 Tablet 3:57-83


Tablet 3:57        Tablet 3:83

of giving water and food to the pilgrims.
58  It was he who redug the ZamZam well that was very sacred because it is the well of Ishma'El, the son of Abraham.
59  Hagar wandered through the desert carrying her small son, Ishma'el,
60  When she should not find water her child began to cry from thirst and his mother,
61  Helpless to provide for him, she fell on her face and prayed to El Roi, the All Seeing,
62  Who caused water to spring forth from the spot where the ZamZam well is located and is the only one in the Valley of Mecca within the sacred enclosure.
63  Abdul Muttalib had made Tafulat for 10 sons
64  He vowed that if such an event occured, he would sacrifice one of them in the name of El Eloh.
65  Naturally he did not want to sacrifice any of his sons but he had to make good his promise.
66  As he led Abdullat to the sacrifice, the Quraysh who had been in assembly chanced to see them.
67  Upon finding out what Abdul Muttalib meant to do, they loudly protested.
68  They advised him to seek the counsel of a sorceress in the Hijaz region of Arabia,
69  Who told him to offer blood money, that was ten camels among the Quraysh, in the place of his son.
70  She told him to cast lots for the money and Abdullat, and it fell in his favor.
71  Some months later, Abdul Muttalib accompanied Abdullat to the house of Wahb, son of Abdul Hanaf, son of Zubra, son of Kilab, son of Murra, son of Ka'b, son of Lawaiy, son of Ghalib, son of Fihr.
72  To claim Wahb's daughter, Amina as his wife.
73  Her mother was Barra daughter of Abdul Uzza, son of Uthman, son of Abdul Dar, son of Qusayy, son of Kilab, son of Murra, son of Ka'b, son of Luwaiy, son of Ghalib, son of Fihr.
74  This woman knew of the prophecy which told of a prophet that would rise from among the people and born of the seed of Abdullat.
75  The prophet was to come through the tribe of Judah.
76  Judah was the only remaining tribe of the twelve tribes of Israel who was spared namely:
77  Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, Asher.
78  Judah was to protect the seat of prophethood of Isra'El until Shiloh came who was Muhammad,
79  All of the Israelites went astray except a remnant of the tribe of Judah and the Midianites, who fell under the covenant of the Ishmaelites.
80  A scepter would be passed from a descendant of the tribe of Judah by the name of Bilaal,
81  At which time the responsibility for keeping the law passed from the Israelites to the Ishmaelites.
82  Bilaal was born in the year 555 A.D. of the Danakiyl tribe and resided in land of Al Habasha or Abysinia.
83  He was aware that Moses had told the children of Israel that a prophet would be born in Arabia and the scepter

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chapter 19 Tablet 3:83-119

Tablet 3:83-119

would be passed to him.

84  Bilaal's mother was Hamama and his father was Rabah son of Naufal,
85  Who was the son of Asad
86  Who was the son of Abdul Uzza, the keeper of the original Torah, books of Moses.
87  Who was the brother of Abid Manaaf,
88  Whose son was Haashim whose clan was changed to Quraysh,
89  Who was the father of Abdul Muttalib, making Bilaal a relative of Muhammad.
90  Rabah was the possessor of the "Mihjaan", a staff, of the prophets, the same staff that Abraham, Ishma'El, and Moses carried.
91  It was destined for Bilaal to pass the scepter from the tribes of Israel to the tribe of Ishma'El.
92  Bilaal's uncle was Waraqah, who studied the Torah and New Testament until he thoroughly mastered it.
93  Bilaal was from the portion of the tribe of Judah which came to be known as the Danakiyl or Dongolawy, from the original Bija tribes of which the sons and daughters of Yashua belonged.
94  The tribe of Judah became very powerful, highly respected and entrusted with the scepter,
95  The staff of leadership and upholding the law of Moses, including the right of anointment until Muhammad's coming.
96  Bilaal was the cousin of Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin.
97  He became the first mu'adhiyn, caller of the Muslims to worship in Medina to worship after the Hijrah, a flight from Mecca to Medina.
98  In the year 622 A.H.
99 He passed the scepter to Muhammad.
100 The passing of the scepter was symbolic of the passing on of the covenant of prophethood from the Israelites to the Ishmaelites.
101  Bilaal was a Muslim who spread the truth across the sands of Arabia.
102  He heralded the coming of Muhammad, just as John the Baptist heralded the coming of Yashua.
103  Bilaal's union with Muhammad is a landmark in Al Islaam.
104  He was successful in his mission because he had great faith in Allah.
105  Al Islaam was Bilaal's way of life.
106  He was not converted; he was born into the law of Moses,
107  For as a Judahite of royal bloodline,
108  He was raised in Mosaid law,
109  Thus, he was always a Muslim and adhered to Al Islaam.
110  He did not subtract or add to this divine way of life.
111  Bilaal was of the tribe of Judah out of the house of Jacob.

112  It was his job to fulfill the prophecy of his forefather, Jacob.

113  This was Bilaal's mission to pass the scepter of prophethood from the Israelites to Shiloh, who is Muhammad.

114  This fulfillment brought about harmony in Al Islaam.

115  The tribes of Israel and Ishma'El again became united through Bilaal and Muhammad.

116  From birth Bilaal was reared to complete his mission.

117  Bilaal was born with the "light of truth" in his black eyes.

118  The illuminating light his eyes gave off, puzzled everyone, even his parents. 

119 As Bilaal grew, his father realized

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Friday, June 10, 2011

The Mu'adhiyn, Bilaal

Figure 532
The Mu'adhiyn, Bilaal

Rabah, Father of Bilaal

Figure 533
Rabah, Father of Bilaal

Hamama, Mother of Bilaal

Figure 534
Hamama, Mother of Bilaal

Bilaal Receiving The Sceptre From His Father

Figure 535
Bilaal Receiving The Sceptre From His Father

Chapter 19 - Tablet 3:119 - 4:4

Page 1638
Tablet 3:119           Tablet 4:4

he was a special child,
120  And groomed him for the old prophecies and what they meant.

121  His father saw to it that he was well learnt in the laws of the scriptures.
122  Bilaal's father Rabah, was the keeper of the scepter,
123  And also a learnt man.
124  He kept the scepter hidden in a secret place.
125  When Bilaal reached the age of thirteen and had taken his Bar Mitzwah,
126  He assumed religious duty and was considered an adult.
127  After which, Rabah gave Bilaal the scepter destined to be passed on in fulfillment of the prophecy.
128  When Bilaal acted as mu'ahdhin, 'Umar heard him in his house,
129  And came to the Apostle dragging his cloak on the ground,
130  And saying that he had seen precisely the same vision.
131  When Imaam Ali passed away, Bilaal refused to become a follower of the Muawiyah.
132  He decided to settle in Syria, where he became  a governor of Damascus.
133  Bilaal then left to Medina where he had met two grandsons of Muhammad.
134  Together they asked Bilaal to call the Adhaan for the next daylight hour.
135  He could not refuse their request.
136  Before the following daylight hour.
137  Bilaal  ascended the minaret and called the Adhaan.
138  Bilaal would only call the Adhaan for the followers of Amiyru'l Muminiyn Ali.
139  They were the only ones who kept the basic tenets of Al Islaam.
140  Bilaal was now elderly and his close companion aided him up the minaret.
141  Then in the midst of a great silence burst once again the mighty voice of Bilaal chanting the Adhaan as it was called in the days of Muhammad.
142  So sweet was his voice that it touched the people's souls and brought tears to their eyes.
143  Bilaal passed away in the year 641 A.D.
144  He was 90 years old at home in the comfort of his bed.
145  Bilaal remarried when he was in Syria.
146  He had five sons and three daughters.
147  His descendants are the blacks who inhabit Morocco today.
148  His burial place was Aleppo, Damascus.
149  His tomb became one of the principle landmarks for many centuries.
150  After the passing of the scepter to Muhammad,
151  Bilaal, his two wives and their sons migrated to Morocco, where they settled.
152  This is where your black Moroccans descended from.

Tablet Four
The Four Lights

Lo!  And these four lights were:  Gabriy'el Zodoq son of Rasi'El and Zamma'El,
2  Rapha'El Zodoq, son of Waqabi'El and Fiqra'El,
3  Uri'El Zodoq, son of Azari'El and Rafiki'El,
4  And Izraa'El Zodoq son of ANU and Id,

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Chapter 19, Tablet 4:5-19


AL KHIDR                    MURDUK
Tablet 4:5                    Tablet 4:19

5  These are your aids,
6  Each is one of the branches of the tree;
7  "the Lote-Tree, also called "The Green Tree",
8  May ANU be pleased with them.
9  then my light said:  "glory be to ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL"
10 For another 14,000 years.
11 Then ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL, created the light of all the other newsbearers from the light of Adam or Zakar whose real name is Kadmon,
12  Son of Atum and Lilith and the Light is the life in human beings.
13  Peace and blessings of ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL be upon him.
14  Then the peacock looked at the light which ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL created,
15 and from it he created their rooakh souls, that is,
16  He created the souls of the prophets "newsbearers" from your sweat Adam or Zakar,
17  My friend, peace be upon you.
18  And he is to create the souls of the community of these newsbearers,
19  From the sweat of the newsbearers.

And This Is How The Event Of The Prophets And Angels Should Be Commemorated

Prophets And Angels day

On October thirty first, we will celebrate Prophets And Angels Day.  It is most commonly known as Halloween.  It is a day of positiveness and goodness.  The homes are gaily decorated with pictures of the prophets, Aluhum, apostles, and sacred women of the scriptures.   The shadow hour before, October thirtieth, is called shadow hour of prayer.  After the evening worship, the congregation remains in the House of the Sustainer and say "I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the cursed one", facing the north, south, east and west.  Then all read from the book of light asking the Aluhum to protect them from evil.  The congregation chants Suwrah El Naas chapter of the people, and Suwrah El Falaq, chapter of the breaking forth of the day; nineteen times each.  Then chant the ninety and nine plus one names of El Eloh.  We show forgiveness for the archangel Izraa'El the angel of death known as the Aluhum Anunnagi Enqi, for his job to take our souls to El Eloh.  We are not afraid of him we love as we do all of the angelic beings sent from El Eloh.  Passages of enlightenment from the Book of Light are also read.  On the following day the children are dressed in beautiful colorful costumes depicting prophets, apostles, angelic beings Al Mahdi, Yashua, Ali, and the reformer Dr. Malachi Z. York.  The girls are dressed like the sacred women of the scriptures:  Eve, Naama, Sara, Hagar, Mary and Faatimah.  Costumes depicting great ment and women of Egypt, Nubia such as the wise Imhotep, Ankh Aton, Nefertiti and Celopatra are also worn.  The costumes have colorful crowns, swords, jewelry, beads, chiffons, halos, and wings.  The children go outside and first enjoy playing amongst themselves and reenact events which that particular prophet or angelic being might have done.  Later the children parade together from home to home to receive candy and say bashish which means gratuity.  Once this is done the children will attend the Party of paradise at the House of the Sustainer.  The House of the Sustainer has been decorated.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chapter 19 - Tablet 4:19 - Tablet 6:10

Page 1640

Al Khidr          Murduk
Tablet 4:19          Tablet 6:10

to resemble paradise with white clouds such as those which descend with the angelic beings from heaven, doves which came to Yashua and a tree of knowledge of agreeable and disagreeable which is located in the middle of the garden.  The children will listen to to the song Jannah, from Though Nuwaubian tapes series called, Path of the Nuwaubians.  The children are served the four drinks of paradise which are milk, honey, water, and wine.  Those who do not drink all four cannot stay at the party.  As all foru are comparable to paradise as a land of milk and honey.  And fresh pies such as pumpkin pie will be served.  Later on, they enter paradise.

Tablet Five
Those of Amon-Ra

Lo! and the souls of the Amon, faithful of the community of Ahmad, son of abd-Allat and Amina,

2  Are to be created from sweat of Ahmad who is called Muhammad or better Mustafa Muhammad Al Amin, son of Abd-Allat,

3 Peace be upon him,

4 So they will say:

5  Nothing would exist if Allah didn't create it.

6  Then El Eloh, created three Candlesticks of green carnelian,

7  And its outside is seen from its inside.

8  Then he created my form as Malachi,

9  Sun of El Eloh, with the healing power,

10 Giving me 720 degrees,

11  And how I will look in the physical world.

12  So he placed in my head this candlestick

13 That I may look inside, and outside of all things.

14  And I stood in it as one standing in worship.

15  The 24 Anunnagi of the Sarufaat did Tawaf, circumference around the light of me, Malachi, son of ANU,

16  They said:  Glory be to ANU,

17  And nothing would exist if ANU A'LYUN A'LYUN EL didn't create it;

18  ANU is the most supreme, for another seven thousand years.

19  When the end of one existence is the beginning of another.

Tablet Six
Zodoq: Melchizedek

Lo! Then El Eloh the supreme being, commanded all the souls of creation to look at my form,

2  And I incarnated in the form of Melchizedek, Malkiy-Tsedeq, Malachi-Zodoq,

3  And then I incarnated in the form of Al Qubt,

4  Then I incarnated in the form of Yaanuwn.

5  I am from Rizq the eight planet in the nineteenthh galaxy Illyuwn,

6  Far outside of this one.

7  I am sent here to give you the true guidance.

8  Out of your past that has become your future and has returned to warn you.

9  I came from planet Rizq by way of Nibiru, you call it Jannat.

10  Our solar system is within the 19th galaxy on this side of the first warp

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