Friday, June 18, 2010


inch above the right ear.  You can put beads on your ninti beads, or a gold band on your Murduk braid.  We also wear the "Balura" bindi jewel" in the middle of our foreheads, if you want.

309  The letters are pouring in.  Even the original followers are waking up.

310  Many who followed other teachers, are finding their way to the Lamb.

311  The sun is truly coming out of the east unto the west and those who endure to the end are receiving the crown of life, in the Ancient Mystic Order of Melchizedek;

312  Where this message is coming forth to you in order to restore your identity as Nuwaubians.

313  Behold the "Sun of Righteousness"  stands before you with the Scroll of Malachi,

314  That rebukes the liars for their transgressions,

315  And who will prepare the way for the Messiah by turning the hearts of the fathers to the sons and the sons to the father,

316  Or else I, Malachi will strike the Earth with utter destruction.

317  Now you are ready to move on toward the next level,

318  And ready to accept what I was giving you originally.

319  A teaching that none could stand against.

320  You were the meek that are here to dumbfound the wise.

321  And so we are at the beginning again with Sufi and fezes.  Only now we are Sufi under the A.M.O.M. the Ancient Mystic Order of Melchizedek,

322 The beginning of their end.

323  You can't be fooled by any religious doctrines of any kind.

324  No, not now a days!

325  You have your first tool, this Holy Tablet, not someone else's interpretation.

326  Your own scripture that will dispell all the lies causing all false things to perish.

327 Making the truth come to light.

328  Let me speak to you of my arrival.

329  You see!  The first time I arrived, I came as a force, an etheric being,

330  While my mother was pregnant certain nerves in the brain of the child were altered,

331  So that the child would be able to receive a higher intellect.

332 An intellect higher than other normal Earth beings who have had their Barathary Glands removed.

333 The Earth beings will one day have it replaced, if they don't destroy themselves.

334  They will use more of their brains, for they have the light body,

335  A physical body, a spiritual body, a mental body and an etheric body.

336  My assignment is to spiritually re-educate the beings of the planet Earth,

337  Who are the children of the "Anunnagi."

338  And the prepare 144,000,

339  To be taken up for 1000 years, then returned to save this planet.

340  Originally Earth was used as a hunting ground by the beings known as Ommo also called Shaggies.

341  Earth was much like what you would call a resort today.

342  Beings from other galaxies would come here to hunt.

343  and so they looked at it, the light of a thousand lights;

344  Whoever saw his head is to become guides to the successor and Kohane priest among creatures:

345  Whoever saw his forehead.

346  Is to become just a sar, prince.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


347 Whoever saw his eyes,

348 Is to become one who preserves the word of ANU,

349  Who acts on the part of ANU, A'LYUN A'LYUN EL when it's time to be felt in any way shape or form.

350  Whoever saw his eyebrows,

351  Is to become a scribe.

352  Whoever saw his ears,

353  Is to become one who listens and occupies himself with that.

354  Whoever saw his cheeks,

355 Is to become one who is a teacher knowing and having intellect.

356  Whoever saw his lips is to become a sar, prince.

357  Whoever saw his nose,  is to become a Hatim, spiritual doctor and whoever saw his mouth,

358  Is to become one who recites.

359  Whoever saw his teeth is to become one who is beautiful of heart among male and female living beings, to make others happy.

360 Whoever saw his tongue is to become an apostle.

361  Whoever saw his throat, is to become one who admonished, and gives good council and kantor orone who calls the prayer.

362  Whoever saw his beard, is to become one full of wisdom in ANU, The Source.

363  Whoever saw his neck, is to become a merchant.

364  Whoever saw his arms, is to become a warrior with a sword who does battle in the way of ANU, The Source.

365  Whoever saw his right arm only, is become a cupper; whoever saw his left arm only is to become of the ignorant.

366 Whoever saw his right palm only,

367 Is to become a money-changer and an embroiderer;

368  Whoever saw his left palm only, is to become a corn measurer.

369  Whoever saw his hands, is to become generous and ambidextrous.

370  Whoever saw the backside of his left hand, is to become a miser.

371  Whoever saw the backside of his left hand, is to become a miser.

371  Whoever saw the backside of his right hand, is to become a cook.

372 Whoever saw the tips of the fingers of his left hand, is to become a musician.

373  Whoever saw the fingers of his right hand only, is to become a tailor.

374 Whoever saw the fingers of his left hand only, is to become an ironsmith.

375  Whoever saw his chest, is to become a noble and diligent one;

376  Whoever saw his back, is to become humble and obedient to the command of the tablets to be given as the 613 commandments and those who can see will see.  Whoever saw his side, is to become argumentative.

377 Whoever saw his abdomen, is to become one who bows and prostrates often.  Whoever saw his feet, is to become a rug-maker; and whoever saw under his feet, is to become a shoe-maker.

378  Whoever saw his shadow, is to become a builder of the holy places. Whoever saw nothing, is to become one who conceals what he knows to be true or rejects the reality.  Whoever will not look at him at all cease to exist.

379  He was, He Is, and he will be in the end, having The Holy Tablets, The Scroll of Eyes and the Key to Time, and the power to hold back Haylal, who is the one that was removed from the skies.

380  This is the birth of Murduk also known as Miyka'El, and Yaanuwn and his mystery name is Sabathil.  He is the ruler of Malakuwt, the grandons of ANU.

This is How it was recorded and this is how it will be

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